Your search produced 5 results in photo tips.
...In May, a nesting Green Heron is usually present and images of young are easy to capture as the summer...
...Vancouver A good place for Great Blue Heron and Canvasback is Lost Lagoon near Stanley Park....
...Blue Heron or Painted Turtle....
...As there is a Great Blue Heron rookery adjacent to the Mary Hill Bypass on the Fraser River, they frequent...
...A location that can be great fun is LaFarge Lake in Coquitlam, especially in winter....
...landscape photography, we targeted several scenic areas along our route that were known for producing some great...
...We did encounter a few Great Blue Heron and Great White Egret at these locations but little else and...
...We finally settled into two good locations for Great Blue Heron, both east of Silverdale, the first at...
...Although we were a bit early, this location had lots of Black-Tailed Deer and evidence of Blue Grouse...
...Nearby Ruby Beach is a truly great vista with a meandering creek, dramatic sea stacks and drift logs....
...Heron to be quite compliant....
...Although the nearby Paradise Pond was fairly overgrown, it is a great place to find roosting Great Blue...
...Heron or various Passerines such as the Yellow-Rumped Warbler....
...Here the waterway hosts Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, Purple Gallinule, Little Blue Heron and Green Heron...
...The home borders a protected natural area and we had great fun with Carolina Chickadee, Blue Jay and...
...A great many now "manage" all wildlife activity and impose restrictions on parking and approach....
...This is also a great time of year to photograph Pronghorn as their winter coats are still in pristine...
...We certainly had no expectation of producing great photographs as our knowledge of the area was limited...
...A great afternoon location is Signal Mountain. Here you should find Blue Grouse near the summit....
...We also walked the Swan Lake, Heron Pond loop from Colter Bay and found stunning lily pad backdrops but...