Your search produced 3 results in photo tips.


...prior to visiting several upcoming locations we had chosen in the western Olympic National Forest and Pacific...

...condensed mist produce a thick growth of moss and ferns that shroud the entire forest with resplendent browns...

...We found Pacific Brown Pelicans at the Grays Harbour Marina in Westport on the wooden breakwater....

...Here we used our truck as a blind and had no trouble positioning for several large flocks of Pacific...

...Brown Pelican, Western Sandpiper and Caspian Tern that we encountered between Midway and Grayland Beach...

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Coastal California

...Although the major attraction is the breeding Pacific Brown Pelican, opportunities abound to capture...

...Keep an eye out for large rocks in the ocean at the Vista Points as they are great roosts for Pacific...

...Brown Pelican and Double-Crested Cormorant....

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Southern Texas

...Here, portraits of Pacific Brown Pelican are easy to capture as they preen and roost on the pylons or...

...In town, Fulton Harbour is a hangout for American White Pelican as fisherman often dole out buckets of...

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